Rules & Regulations


Rules & Regulations

Faculty – Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations

Faculties are expected to adhere to the highest standards of personal, professional ethics, and to always use good judgment about the way they conduct themselves when at work and representing Azeezia Medical College. Our standards require careful observance of the laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous regard for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity.

  • Every teacher shall at all time conduct himself in accordance with the orders regulating behavior and conduct which may be in force in the college.
  • Provide criteria-based, constructive, and honest evaluations of student performance, reflecting true merit and guiding improvements where indicated.
  • Should help and guide students without any remuneration or reward.
  •  Impartial to students and should treat all of them equally.
  • Should strive to help the slow performers to do better and pay attention to their progress
  • Maintain confidentiality of a student’s disclosures.
  • Make reasonable efforts to protect students from harmful conditions.
  • Impartial to students and should treat all of them equally.
  • Seek to make professional growth continuous through study and research.
  • Express free and frank opinion by participation at professional meetings, seminars, conferences etc, towards the contribution of knowledge.
  • No discrimination against any employee based on age, sex, religion, region, caste etc. Deal justly and impartially with students regardless of their religion, caste, creed, political and economic, social and physical characteristics.
  • Maintain active membership of professional organizations and strive to improve education and profession through them.
  • Perform their duties in the form of teaching, tutorial, practical, seminar and research work conscientiously and with dedication.
  • Cooperate and assist in carrying out functions relating to educational responsibilities of the college such as advising and counselling students, as well as assisting in conduction University and college examinations, including supervision, invigilation and evaluation, and
  • Participate in extension, co-curricular and extracurricular activities including community service.
  • Respectfully and wisely use the resources made available to us by our institutions.
  • Disclose to employers any condition of impairment that restricts our abilities to carry out responsibilities.
  • Every teacher shall devote himself diligently to his work and utilise his time to the service of the college, as the case may be, and to the cause of education and give full cooperation in all academic programmes and other activities conducive to the welfare of the student community.
  • Be affectionate to students and not behave in a vindictive manner towards any of them for any reason.
  • Pay attention to attainment of the student in the assessment of merit.
  •  Should  help and guide students without any remuneration or reward.
  • Aid students to develop an understanding of our national heritage and national goals and
  • Refrain from inciting the students against other students, colleagues and administration.
  • Should not harass the students in the name of authority. not engage in harassment, exploitation, illegal discrimination, embarrassment, or public disparagement of students.
  • Avoid personal relationships with students that might result in either the appearance or the fact of influence on professional judgments.
  • Maintain confidentiality of a student’s disclosures.
  • Make reasonable efforts to protect students from harmful conditions.
  • Impartial to students and should treat all of them equally.
  • Should strive to help the slow performers to do better and pay attention to their progress.
  • Responsibility of the mentors should be taken seriously and meet the students every week and update their progress to their parents on a regular basis.
  • Have zero tolerance for cheating and dishonesty in any form, strictly following institutional policy .
  • Do not accept personal gifts of more than nominal value from students
  • No teacher shall borrow money from his subordinate or students.
  • To adhere to professional work practices as per the hospital’s rules, regulations and practices.
  • To provide complete and accurate information to the hospital management during employment process.
  • To maintain confidentiality. Employees should not divulge confidential data/ secrets or any other valued information gained during the employment to any other individual or institution while in service or even after leaving the service.
  • To treat patients , patients relatives, clients, co-workers with respect and dignity.
  • To understand and adhere to patients right and responsibilities.
  • To report for duty on time.
  • Employee represents the hospital, so they should behave professionally on & off the job and should come in descent formal clothing. Employees should be strictly prohibited for consuming any kind of toxic substances (tobacco, pan masala, or alcohol) on and off their job.
  • To avail leave after sanctioning it from HOD & intimation to HR department.
  • To use mobile phone of the hospital for official purpose only.
  • Not to interfere or misuse of any material resources provided by the hospital. To ensure office stationary is minimally used and not misused. To switch off Fan/A.C/Light Computer etc. while leaving the work place.
  • To accept, where applicable, adoption to the environment to ensure a safe and secure stay in the hospital for self ,co-workers, patients and others.
  • To follow the dress code policy of the institute.
  • To inform HR department in writing if there is any change in the permanent/ local address.
  • To mark the attendance daily in the biometric machine at the time of arrival and departure from the institute.
  • To report immediately to the hospital management or HR about untoward incident, dangerous unsafe practice, any king of malpractice or corruption and any type of harassment.
  • Employee should not put the organization in any legal or financial trouble due to their off-the –job behavior.

Faculties should refrain from

  • Unauthorised use of College property, facilities, or resources.
  • Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs
  • Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace,while on duty, or while operating college-owned vehicles or equipment
  • Possession of weapons or explosives on the College campus which includes all buildings,spaces and motor vehicles on college property
  • Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials in the workplace
  • Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of college, student, or employee-owned  property
  • Sexual or other unlawful harassment or discrimination
  • Fighting, threatening violence, or causing harm to others in the workplace
  • Behavior that prevents others from doing their work
  • Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct
  • Violation of safety or health rules
  • Smoking in Campus
  • Excessive absenteeism or any absence without notice
  • Unauthorized absence from work station during the workday
  • Unauthorized or improper use of telephones, e-mail system, or other college-owned equipment
  • Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information
  • Furnishing false information regarding previous employment, marks, qualifications etc.
  • Sleeping while on duty.

Rules and Regulations For Students

Rules & Regulations

  • Every student is required to be present punctually for lectures, practicals and clinics. Students should be neatly dressed. They should wear a work coat (apron/uniform) in the laboratories, clinics and in the hospitals.   Neither boys nor girls are permitted to wear casuals like jeans and T. Shirts during class hours.
  • Every student must put in 80% attendance in theory, practical and clinical separately in each of the subjects.  70% attendance in non exam going subjects is mandatory for appearing in the University examination.  A certificate of attendance will not be issued unless the student has the required attendance in all the subjects.
  • Students should attend all tests and assignments without fail.  Students will not be able to write the University examination without fulfilling all the criteria.
  • It is mandatory for the students to appear in all the three Internal Assessment examinations, out of which the best of the two Internal Assessment marks will be considered to appear for the University Examination.
  • Prior permission from the Principal should be obtained for leaving the station during working days except after the University examinations.  After the University examinations, permission from the Warden shall be taken. During study holidays the students will not be permitted to go home.   During public holidays or weekends, Deputy Chief Warden’s/Campus Officer’s permission has to be obtained.
  • Any leave application should be endorsed by the Warden for those residing in hostels and by the parents/guardians for those staying in their homes.
  • Students should submit/produce record books/workbooks duly completed and signed by staff on or before the notified time.  Noncompliance will be viewed seriouslyand subject to disciplinary action.


  • Students should not loiter in the College premises.  Wearing of Identity Card is mandatory in the campus at all times.
    Students need to show respect to the teachers and acknowledge them by wishing them.
  • No student shall enter the classroom without permission once the Teacher enters in.  No one will leave the classroom until the teacher leaves or orders/permits the students to leave the class.
  • Students are expected to be seated in the classroom 5 minutes before the scheduled time.  Student’s attendance is taken and daily update is sent to parents using SMS.
  • Any absence should be reported in the proper leave letter duly signed by the parents/guardian/warden.  In the case of medical leave, a medical certificate should be submitted.  SUBMISSION OF MEDICAL CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMOUNT TO EXEMPTING THE ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS.
  • The students shall keep the laboratory, classrooms, hostel, etc., neat and tidy and shall not cause any damage to the furniture, equipment, building or any other University property.  Any damage to the University property should be reported to the Principal and the student shall replace or reimburse them as ordered by the Principal.
  • Strict silence shall be maintained in the laboratory, lecture rooms, hospitals and clinics and Library.
  • Every student shall be cordial with the Teachers and other staff at all times.
  • Smoking & consuming alcohol and entering the campus / within the campus/premises of the hostel is strictly prohibited.
  • Every student shall possess the required books, instruments.
  • They shall follow the rules and regulations framed from time to time.
  • Disobedience, insubordination, disorderly behavior, use of abusive language, etc. shall not be tolerated in the College and hostel premises.  Strict discipline shall be maintained inside and outside the campus.
  • All the lady students/male students who go out of the hostels should be back in their hostels before 6.30 p.m. / 9.00 p.m. positively.  They should obtain permission from the respective warden and sign in the register kept for the purpose while going out and on return.
  • 1st-year students are not allowed to go out of Campus unsupervised for the first 3 months.
  • Silence hours in all the hostels are from 10.00 p.m. to 7.00 a.m. and it shall be strictly observed.
  • Talking, discussions, singing, playing musical instruments, etc., shall be only without disturbing the roommates or other students in the adjoining rooms.
  • Mobile Phones are not permitted inside the classrooms.
  • Every student, during his/her course of studies, shall be under disciplinary jurisdiction of the competent authority which shall take appropriate action, in case of indiscipline, misconduct on the part of the student
  • In this Bye-Laws unless the context otherwise requires,
    a.    Student means a person who is enrolled in the college for receiving instructions and/or qualifying for any degree or diploma or certificate of the college
    b.    College means a constituent college run by the University
    c.    Competent Authority means the Chairman/Director/Principal/Vice Principal/Dean of the college .
  • They may, by order, delegate all or any of his/her powers under the Memorandum of Association as he/she deems fit, to such other officers as he/she may nominate in that behalf.
  • They  may in the exercise of their powers, by order direct that any student or students
    a.    be expelled or rusticated for a specified period or
    b.    be not admitted to a course of study in college for a specified period or
    c.    be punished with fine, not exceeding Rs. 5000/- or
    d.    be debarred from appearing in an examination conducted by the University for
  • a specified period not exceeding five years or
    e.    that the result of the student or students concerned in the examination in which he or they have appeared be canceled.
    *Provided that, they shall give a reasonable opportunity to the student concerned of being heard if expulsion is for a period exceeding one year.
  • Obligations of the students: Every student, shall at all times,
    a.    Conduct him/herself properly
    b.    Maintain proper behavior
    c.    Observe strict discipline both within the campus of the college, hostel, hospital and also outside, in buses or any other mode of transport, at public places or at picnics or study tours, organized by the college or playgrounds or in extracurricular activities.
    d.    Ensure that no act of his purposely or otherwise brings the University or college disrepute.
  • Any act of a student which is contrary to the provisions of clause (5) above shall constitute misconduct and/or indiscipline, which terms shall mean and include, among others, any one or more of the acts jointly or severally, mentioned herein after namely:
    a.    Any act whether directly or indirectly causes or attempts to cause a disturbance in the lawful functioning of the college and/orUniversity.
    b.    Habitual unpunctuality in attending lectures, practicals, clinics, tutorials, sessional examinations and other courses as may be prescribed.
    c.    Repeated absence from lectures, tutorials, practicals and other courses, as prescribed.
    d.    Any act whether direct or indirect through the media or newspapers and/or other media, by which, in the opinion of the competent authority, and the college stand defamed, and any other act of intimidating and/or assailing and/or threatening the employees/officers/officials of the college and any act to cause damage to the assets of the college by any means.
    e.Occupation of any building such as, hostel, room, residential quarter or such other accommodation in the premises owned or hired by the college without prior permission from the competent authority.
    f.    Permitting or conniving with any person not authorized to occupy any hostel room, residential quarter, or any accommodation or any part thereof of the college.
    g.    Securing admission in the college, to any undergraduate or post- graduate programme or any other course by fabrication of the documents or suppression of facts or information.
    h.    Obstruction to any student or group of students in his or their legitimate activities pertaining to classroom, laboratories, fields, playgrounds, gymnasium or places of social and cultural activity within the campus of the college.
    i.    Suppressing material information or supply of false information to the college, for seeking any privilege.
    j.    Possessing or using any firearms, lethal weapons, explosives, or dangerous or corrosive substances on the premises of the college, hostel, and playground.
    k.    Possessing or consuming any poisonous or stupefying drugs or intoxicants in any form in the college, hostel.
    l.    Ragging, bullying or harassing any student in college and University or outside thereof.
    m.    Indulging in any act of violence, assault, intimidation or threatening in the institution or hostels or outside thereof.
    n.    Destroying or attempting to destroy or tamper with any official record or document of the college.
    o.    Misconduct of the student, at any meeting or special functions or sports and cultural activities arranged by the college or at any other public place.
    p.    Stealing or damaging any farm produce or any property belonging to the college staff member of the college or any other public place.
    q.    Instigating violence or participating in any demonstrations or violent agitation or violent strike in the college.
    r.    Instigating or participating in any ‘gherao’ of any official or staff member of the college.
    s.    Violation of any of the rules and regulations of the college or order of the competent authority.
    t.    Gambling in any form in the college, hostel, etc.
    u.    Disorderly behavior in any form or any act specifically forbidden by the competent authority.
    v.    Refusal to appear to give evidence before an enquiry officer appointed by the competent authority with respect to a               charge against student concerned.
    w.    Any act violating any provision of the Memorandum of Association, Bye-Laws made there under.
    x.    Conviction in a court of law for a criminal offense involving moral turpitude.
    y.    Any other act not specifically mentioned hereto, before which, whether by commission or omission, as would in the circumstances of the case be considered by the competent authority as an act of misconduct and/or indiscipline.
  • The competent authority may impose any one or more of the following punishment(s) on the students found guilty of misconduct, indiscipline, in proportion thereof:
    a.  Warning/censure/reprimand
    b.   Fine not exceeding Rs.5,000/-
    c.    Cancellation of the scholarship/award/prize/medal, awarded to the student by the University, with prospective effect.
    d.   Expulsion from the college
    e.    Debarring from admission to a course or courses of study in the concerned college, debarring from appearing from examination or examinations, conducted by the University concerned, for a specific period, not exceeding five years.
    f.    Cancellation of performance of the student concerned in an examination in which he has appeared.
    g.    Rustication from the University for a period not exceeding five years.
  • If the competent authority is satisfied that there is a prima facie case for inflicting penalties, mentioned in clause No. (7) above it may itself or through other person(s), authorized by it, for this purpose, shall make an inquiry, in the following manner;
    a.    Due notice in writing shall be given to the student concerned about his alleged act of misconduct/indiscipline.
    b.    The student charged shall be required within three days of receipt of the notice to submit his written representation about such charge(s).
    c.    If the student fails to submit his/her written representation within a specified time limit, the inquiry may be held separately.
    d.    If oral evidence of the witness against a student is recorded by the inquiry authority, the student charged shall be given an opportunity to give his reply to the contents of the statement of the witness(es).
    e.    If the student charged desires to see the relevant documents, which are being taken into consideration or are to be relied upon for the purpose of proving the charge or charges, the same may at the discretion of the enquiry authority, be shown to him after the notice as provided in sub-clauses (i) above is furnished to him.
    f.    The student charged shall be required to produce documents, if any, in support of his defense. The enquiry authority may admit relevant evidence, documentary, or otherwise, at the stage before the final orders are passed.
    g.    A legal practitioner shall not be allowed to appear either on behalf of the student charged, in the proceedings before the enquiry authority.
    h.    Enquiry authority shall record findings on each implication of misconduct or indiscipline and the reasons for such findings and submit the report along with proceedings to the competent authority.
  • The competent authority on the basis of findings shall pass such orders as it deems fit. Provided that procedure prescribed above need not be followed and all or any of its provisions may be waived in the following circumstances:
  • a.    When the student charged admits the charges in writing.
    b.    When the student charged has absconded for any other reasons or it is impracticable to communicate with him.
    c.    If in the opinion of the competent authority, punishment or fine not exceeding Rs.5000/- or reprimand, censure, a warning is sufficient.
  •  The college shall, on each occasion of any punishment being imposed on any student, intimate by a letter, to be sent under a certificate of posting, the fact of such imposition to the parent or guardian of such student on the address available in the college record.
  •  A copy of these rules shall be supplied to each student at the time of his admission to the college and a receipt for the same shall be obtained from the student. This receipt shall form a part of the record admission of the students.
  •  If any foreign student is admitted, the college concerned shall send a copy of the rules to concerned foreign embassy and department of external affairs.

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